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GCE Physics

Should I study GCE A-Level Physics

GCE A-level Physics focuses on application of Physics concepts in real life situations and predicting the numerical values of outcomes. If you would like to apply for a Physics or Engineering related discipline at university, it is encouraged that you take A Level Physics. Top universities might also require students to have done Further Maths if they desire to apply for Physics.

In addition, you would benefit from taking physics on the optional mathematic paper (M1-M3) as some of the concepts from those mechanic papers are already taught in the Physics.

How to get A/A* in GCE A-Level Physics

Most students find it challenging to relate the Physical problem into the given formula. In order to work towards a A/A*, you should start practicing past paper questions and preparing responses for potential questions that could come up on the exam. Moreover, it is recommended that you review the formula booklet so that you can easily recall formulas in the exam.

At CANA, our tutors guide students through the course by relating the Physics to daily life and providing them with past exam questions arranged by topic. Our structured approach consolidates their understanding of the subject whilst also honing their exam technique, giving our students the best of chance of achieving top grades in tests, mocks and the final exam.

Commonly Asked Questions


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