University Admission Consultation and Test Preparation

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CANA Elite UK University Admissions Consultation

Why Choose UK Universities?

Reputation - Many UK universities are highly reputable among big corporations and academic fields, providing promising career prospects for their graduates. As well as Cambridge and Oxford, other renowned UK universities such as LSE, Imperial College, King’s College London etc. are in the Russell Group.

Dedication - Most UK university courses focus on one discipline. Students will gain an in-depth exposure to various topics and schools of thought within that discipline. It is difficult for a student transfer from one discipline to another during undergraduate studies. Therefore, professional courses such as medicine and engineering usually ask for a specific combination of high school subjects from their applicants.

Conversion - For HK students hoping to study law, the UK is the preferred destination because of the similar legal system. UK medical schools are also preferred by HK medicine students, because students can start studying and training from undergraduate level.

How to apply to top UK universities?


Students apply to UK universities through UCAS, which has two major application deadlines: mid Oct for Oxbridge and medicine applicants, and mid/late Jan for other applicants. Preparation usually starts four months before submitting the UCAS application. If you are aiming for Oxbridge or medicine, you should start preparation for at least six months before submitting your UCAS application.

Here are the key elements in the application process:

  1. Predicted grades (provided by school)
  2. Reference letter (provided by school)
  3. Personal statement (provided by the applicant)
  4. Entry test (for some universities and some disciplines)
  5. Interview (for Oxbridge, all medicine, dentistry and veterinary courses, and Engineering courses at Imperial College)

If you are applying for art related disciplines, such as Fine Arts and Architecture, you need to submit your art portfolio according to the university’s requirements.

At CANA, our team of Oxbridge and Ivy League graduate consultants provide full coverage of the popular disciplines, including Economics, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Management, Psychology, Mathematics, Natural Sciences etc. We will manage the timeline and guide both you and your family through the process, including:

  • ·discipline and career exploration
  • ·personal statement
  • ·entry tests
  • ·interview coaching
  • ·strategic university and college selection
  • ·post-application follow-up

You will gain peace of mind about maximizing your chance of success in this competitive process. We have guided over 45% of our Oxbridge applicants to successfully receive offers from these two institutes, together with offers from other top 15 UK universities.

UK University Entry Test Preparation

We provide comprehensive support on a full range of UK university entry tests, such as UCAT for students applying for Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, and LNAT for students applying for Law.

Our instructors are either medicine or Oxbridge graduates who have aced the tests themselves. You will acquire techniques targeting different types of questions in the test and will be provided with extra reading to substantiate your arguments where essay-writing is needed.

We also run crash courses for UCAT, LNAT and TSA in the summer. Stay tuned for our summer course schedules to find out how you can join!

Student Testimonials

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Here at CANA Elite, we truly believe that every student is unique and has the potential to reach their goals with the right guidance. Academic excellence is derived from both passionate teachers and eager students. That is why we provide a unique learning experience tailored to each individual student. Named after the location of the first miracle in the Bible, we hope CANA elite can be the place of miracles for all our students, allowing them to achieve their dreams.