International School Admissions Consultation

International Schools (HK)

Hoping to gain admission to one of Hong Kong’s competitive and prestigious international schools? Our unique program equips students with the skills they need to succeed throughout the admissions process and beyond.

A Proven Track Record

Since 2017, our program has seen over 80% of our students secure admissions from Hong Kong’s international schools, including the

  • ISF (Independent Schools Foundation)
  • ESF (e.g. South Island School, Shatin College, KGV, RCHK, Kennedy Primary School etc)
  • CIS (Chinese International School)
  • SIS (Singapore International School)
  • VSA (Victoria Shanghai Academy)
  • CDNIS (Canadian International School)
  • YCHK (Yew Chung International School)
  • Kellett School
  • ICS (International Christian School)
  • CAIS (Christian Alliance International School)
  • Harbour School
  • AIS (American International School)
  • KIS (Korean International School)
  • ELCHK Lutheran Academy
  • LPCUWC (Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong)
  • and other international schools in Hong Kong

About Our Program

Our curriculum is specifically designed with international school admissions in mind. After your child completes a free assessment test in English, our program coordinators will craft a personalized learning plan for your child’s specific learning needs. In our one-on-one lessons, our English tutors draw on their experience with HK international schools and their expectations to focus on:

  • Reading comprehension and vocabulary building
  • Answering critical questions on both fiction and non-fiction texts
  • Developing key exam skills
  • Introducing strategies for writing clearly and effectively across argumentative, creative, and reflective writing tasks
  • Familiarising your child with the teaching and learning methods that international schools prioritize

Throughout the course of your student’s studies with us, we will also provide periodic mock tests to track their progress and optimize their learning.

Depending on your student’s needs and target schools, we also offer customized Interview, Maths, Chinese, and Cognitive Test modules designed to support your students in:

  • Preparing for and practicing your child’s interviews with international schools
  • Building essential Maths terminology (in English) to tackle various question types
  • Boosting Chinese comprehension and writing for specific schools
  • Practicing common cognitive test areas including verbal, non-verbal, spatial, and quantitative reasoning

Sign up for a free consultation and assessment here!


Our experienced teachers often leave a lasting impression on students. Take a look at what some of our past students have said about their experiences with our ISAAC program:

  • I think CANA’s teachers are generous, because they helped me to get into my favorite school, especially for the interview which was in just four days. I think the best things I have learnt in CANA are English speaking and how to be confident in an interview. I remember most of the “talking out loud” lessons and the reading comprehension with my teachers. Their lessons are fun and helped me to improve.
    Mani. (Kennedy School, ESF)
  • CANA teachers are very friendly and the lessons are interactive and creative. My English has improved drastically, especially in writing. I have also developed an interest in reading novels. Now, I feel more confident to speak in English!
    K.W. (ISF)

Our ISAAC Consultants

Phoebe, English / UK and HK University Consultation / ISAAC

Adam, English and English Literature / ISAAC Coordinator

Tim, Mathematics /Academic Coaching / ISAAC Coordinator

Sign up for a free consultation and assessment with one of our Coordinators here!

Commonly Asked Questions

To discuss any other questions you may have, contact us now to schedule a free consultation.


Here at CANA Elite, we truly believe that every student is unique and has the potential to reach their goals with the right guidance. Academic excellence is derived from both passionate teachers and eager students. That is why we provide a unique learning experience tailored to each individual student. Named after the location of the first miracle in the Bible, we hope CANA elite can be the place of miracles for all our students, allowing them to achieve their dreams.