UK Personal Statement Coaching

Updates for the UK Personal Statement

For the 2025 Entry (applicants applying to start University in 2025), the UCAS Personal Statement will likely remain the same format as previous years (a 4,000-character Personal Statement).

In 2026 Entry or later (pending confirmation), UCAS may replace the Personal Statement by a series of questions, focusing on areas such as Motivation for Course; Preparedness for Course; Preparation through other experiences; Extenuating circumstances; Preparedness for study; Preferred Learning Styles.

At Cana, we keep track of the latest changes and updates related to UCAS. Come discuss with us to plan ahead for the Personal Statement!

UK Personal Statement Coaching

Every student applying to UK universities is required to submit one personal statement when he or she submits the UCAS application. The personal statement is a crucial part of the admissions process, and an opportunity for students to highlight their strengths, passion for the subject, and relevant experiences to the admissions officers.

At CANA, our consultants guide each student individually for the personal statement, from providing recommended resources based on the student’s interest, having in-depth discussions about the student’s experiences, to giving detailed feedback and suggestions for each draft.

When to start writing the Personal Statement?

As students submit their personal statements along the UCAS application, the official deadlines of submission (for 2024 entry) are either on October 16th (Any course at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, or for most courses in medicine, veterinary medicine/science, and dentistry) or on January 31st. However, most high schools have an earlier internal deadline, so please double check with the school.

Generally, we recommend students to buffer 2 months to write the statement (longer if you are applying for Oxbridge), as it takes time to read about the subject and reflect on your learnings.

Another recommendation is for students to work on the statement during the summer before the final school year - that would allow them to focus on the writing before the new term starts in September.

What to include in the Personal Statement?

For UK personal statements, we advise students to reflect on their personal journeys and why they are inspired to choose certain programs.

It is equally important to demonstrate your academic interest through discussing subject-related experiences or readings. For example, if you are applying for medical-related subjects, you can describe your observations from a shadowing experience or hospital internship. For reading-focused subjects, such as law, you can centre on further readings in the subject area, as well as your analysis and key takeaways from the texts.

Finally, you can emphasize your strengths and interests by detailing your extra-curricular activities to show the admissions officers why you are suitable for the programs you are applying for.

Is there a word limit for the Personal Statement?

The word limit is 4000 characters (approximately 500 words) or 47 lines.

For more information about our private lessons and crash course, leave us a message here or contact us at (852)2302-6500 or In the meantime, check out our freeUCAS Application Guide to begin your journey to a university education in the UK.

Contact us now for more details

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Here at CANA Elite, we truly believe that every student is unique and has the potential to reach their goals with the right guidance. Academic excellence is derived from both passionate teachers and eager students. That is why we provide a unique learning experience tailored to each individual student. Named after the location of the first miracle in the Bible, we hope CANA elite can be the place of miracles for all our students, allowing them to achieve their dreams.