Secondary Programs
Secondary Programs
More Than Just Tuition – Our bespoke secondary enrichment program
Here at Cana, we believe that that journey to academic excellence begins with the right attitude and a love of learning. When students are excited to study and attend lessons, they ultimately develop a genuine passion and interest in learning any subject. There is nothing more gratifying that watching a child’s face light up with understanding as they achieve more than they ever thought they would be capable of. Our secondary enrichment programs are thoughtfully crafted to nurture your child’s curiosity, inspire their creativity, solidify their content knowledge, prepare them for the upper high school and university education and cultivate a lifelong desire to discover and learn.
Mastering Literature Program - In CANA's Mastering Literature Program, students will read and analyse poetry, prose, extracts from plays, and informative texts, as well as gaining a greater understanding of written English through creative writing and grammar exercises. The course is thematic in structure and broken into 9-lesson blocks. Students are encouraged to share and discuss their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in each lesson, and will complete a variety of written tasks week-to-week.
Mathematics program - This heavily sought after course takes students through a comprehensive and in-depth program of IBMYP’s Maths assessment rubric criteria. Students will become proficient in criteria-specific problem solving, laying a solid foundation for the tasks of Internal Assessments and Extended Essay during the subsequent IB Diploma Program years.
Let us help your child harness their natural inquisitiveness and reach their fullest potential as we set them on the path for academic success.
Here at CANA Elite, we truly believe that every student is unique and has the potential to reach their goals with the right guidance. Academic excellence is derived from both passionate teachers and eager students. That is why we provide a unique learning experience tailored to each individual student. Named after the location of the first miracle in the Bible, we hope CANA elite can be the place of miracles for all our students, allowing them to achieve their dreams.