Parents' guide to MYP English


Jan 2025

Parents' guide to MYP English

While the international Baccalaureate Diploma Programme has a reputation as a curriculum that favors a global world view and encourages critical thinking - a perfect gateway into university style study that values independence and free thought- the importance of the Middle Years Programme is often overlooked. 阅读更多 →
IB or not IB? That is the question


Aug 2024

IB or not IB? That is the question

In our previous column, we looked at the characteristics of English language and literature courses in the ICGSE and International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. In this, we compare the two. 阅读更多 →
Which English program should my child pick?


Aug 2024

Which English program should my child pick?

Most parents who intend to arrange for their children to study in an international curriculum will assess and choose between the IGCSE and International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme - both of which offer English language and literature courses. 阅读更多 →
The right teacher can make a world of difference


Jun 2024

The right teacher can make a world of difference

While a student's personality and ability to excel in the curriculum are the main factors to consider when choosing between the International General Certificate of Secondary Education or International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, another important factor is the quality of the school's teaching staff. 阅读更多 →
The right framework makes all the difference


May 2024

The right framework makes all the difference

In this column, we will look into the difference in course framework between the International General Certificate of Secondary Education and the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme.

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Which secondary school program is better for my child?


Apr 2024

Which secondary school program is better for my child?

parents choosing an international school for their children often have a question: should their children study the General Certificate of Secondary Education or International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme curriculum? 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :GCSE vs MYP 英文課程的抉擇


Dec 2021

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :GCSE vs MYP 英文課程的抉擇

相信每位家長,在子女的成長路上往往都會絞盡腦汁,希望為他們選擇最好的方向。隨著子女長大,家長最為著緊、同時也是對子女影響最大的抉擇,就莫過於選擇最適合的學制了。 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :如何選擇IBDP銜接課程?


Sep 2020

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :如何選擇IBDP銜接課程?

計劃安排子女就讀IB課程的家長,都會對於應循哪一個中學學制進行銜接而心生疑問。現時共有三個中學學制可讓學生銜接上IBDP課程,基於公開試、學制及選科上各有不同,到底應當如何選擇?以下為各位家長一一解答。 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸妈专栏 : IBMYP课程改革


Apr 2017

Oh! 爸妈专栏 : IBMYP课程改革

近年越来越多家长安排子女循国际文凭课程(IB = International Baccalaureate)升读大学,但往往对其中学课程(Middle Years Programme - MYP)都会提出疑问:这个没有公开试的...

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