Which English program should my child pick?


Aug 2024

Which English program should my child pick?

Most parents who intend to arrange for their children to study in an international curriculum will assess and choose between the IGCSE and International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme - both of which offer English language and literature courses. 阅读更多 →
How should students choose IB subjects?


Aug 2024

How should students choose IB subjects?

In this column, I will address some questions I often get from parents and students considering taking the International Baccalaureate program. 阅读更多 →
How writing-intensive is the IB curriculum?


Jul 2024

How writing-intensive is the IB curriculum?

Parents and students have always perceived the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program curriculum as writing-focused. 阅读更多 →
To what extent is the IB curriculum writing intensive?


Jun 2024

To what extent is the IB curriculum writing intensive?

Parents and students have always perceived the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program curriculum as writing-focused. 阅读更多 →
The right teacher can make a world of difference


Jun 2024

The right teacher can make a world of difference

While a student's personality and ability to excel in the curriculum are the main factors to consider when choosing between the International General Certificate of Secondary Education or International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, another important factor is the quality of the school's teaching staff. 阅读更多 →
The right framework makes all the difference


May 2024

The right framework makes all the difference

In this column, we will look into the difference in course framework between the International General Certificate of Secondary Education and the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme.

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Which secondary school program is better for my child?


Apr 2024

Which secondary school program is better for my child?

parents choosing an international school for their children often have a question: should their children study the General Certificate of Secondary Education or International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme curriculum? 阅读更多 →
Growing importance of UCAT for UK medical schools


Apr 2024

Growing importance of UCAT for UK medical schools

Now that april is here, many high school students in Hong Kong seek advice on their university applications, with a particular interest in medicine. 阅读更多 →
Early planning helps for the final sprint


Mar 2024

Early planning helps for the final sprint

In the previous articles, I emphasized the importance of writing your personal statement or essays - a requirement for university applications, during the summer vacation. 阅读更多 →