Entrance exams for international schools


Nov 2023

Entrance exams for international schools

With more parents considering enrolling their children in international schools, the competition - especially for schools with a long history - has intensified. 阅读更多 →
Adapting to a new environment


Oct 2023

Adapting to a new environment

In our previous column, we talked about choosing international schools and the preparation involved. 阅读更多 →
How to select a suitable international school


Sep 2023

How to select a suitable international school

In our previous column, we shared several main reasons why parents want their children to transfer to international schools, and when the preparation timeline should start. This week, we will discuss key aspects to consider when choosing a suitable school. 阅读更多 →
Prepare ahead for international schools


Aug 2023

Prepare ahead for international schools

In recent years, an increasing number of international schools have been established in Hong Kong. 阅读更多 →
Clinical method of screening potential doctors


Aug 2023

Clinical method of screening potential doctors

In our previous article, we touched briefly on the application process into medicine - including the standardized BioMedical Admissions Test and University Clinical Aptitude Test. 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :如何選擇 IB英語A課程


Aug 2023

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :如何選擇 IB英語A課程

 IB英語A課程 |如何選擇IB英語課程一直是許多家長和學生關心的問題。今天,借此機會和大家分享一下在選擇IB英語課程時,到底是選擇IB英語A語言與文學課程 (IB English Language and Literature),還是選擇IB英語A文學課程 (IB English Literature)? 阅读更多 →
Dissecting UK medical school admissions


Jul 2023

Dissecting UK medical school admissions

Rather than avoiding the medical profession due to the fear of the Covid-19 outbreak, there have been an even higher number of students aiming for medicine since the pandemic. 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :讀IGCSE抑或IBMYP課程好?(三)


Jul 2023

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :讀IGCSE抑或IBMYP課程好?(三)

續上期,除了學生的性格和能力是揀選 IGCSE 抑或 IBMYP 課程的主要考慮因素外,第二個因素便是學校師資。有些學校的老師擔當facilitator(引導者)的角色,是非常出色的。 阅读更多 →
How to achieve that Oxbridge dream


Jul 2023

How to achieve that Oxbridge dream

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge (often referred to as Oxbridge) are two of the most renowned in the world and, correspondingly, have highly selective admission rates. 阅读更多 →