Subject to discussion


Jul 2023

Subject to discussion

As discussed in our previous column, it is vital for students aiming for top UK universities to identify the university subject to pursue so as to tailor and prepare for their application accordingly. 阅读更多 →
Applying for UK universities


Jul 2023

Applying for UK universities

Students are gearing up to apply for universities in the upcoming academic year. Of different university destinations, UK universities remain one of the most popular choices amongst parents in Hong Kong. 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :自修IGCSE課程(二)


Jun 2023

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :自修IGCSE課程(二)

IGCSE │上篇專欄分享學生考 IGCSE 的意義何在,以及修讀IGCSE在科目數目和組合上有甚麼地方要注意。這篇我會繼續分享自修IGCSE課程在Examination Board(考試局)選擇上的心得, 以及過往一些自修IGCSE課程學生的成功和放棄例子。 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :自修IGCSE課程(一)


Jun 2023

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :自修IGCSE課程(一)

IGCSE │近來收到很多家長的查詢,主要是問子女若正在讀DSE或IBMYP課程的話,卻想往海外升學,尤其是去英國的話,要不要自修然後報考IGCSE? 阅读更多 →
Oh! 爸媽專欄 :報考牛津大學實例分享


Jun 2023

Oh! 爸媽專欄 :報考牛津大學實例分享

 大學選科 |學生在報考大學選科時,往往會有一個疑問:到底是職業路向行先,抑或是興趣行先?學生Victoria的經驗或可供大家作一個參考。 阅读更多 →
Open to exams


Jun 2023

Open to exams

In this final article on International Baccalaureate Diploma Program bridging programs, we will discuss how effectively the three offered in Hong Kong equip students for open examinations, the chosen method of grading in the IBDP. 阅读更多 →
Middle of the road


May 2023

Middle of the road

Previously, we discussed the types of Pre-IB bridging courses available in Hong Kong, and the importance of choosing the most suitable in consolidating a solid foundation for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. In this article, we will focus on the IB's self-curated Pre-IB course- the Middle Years Program. 阅读更多 →
Building a bridge to the IB


May 2023

Building a bridge to the IB

If you wish to take the IBDP, but have doubts on supplementing your studies to best prepare for it, you have come to the right place. Explored in this three-part publication will be information that will be useful in giving you the best chance to excel. 阅读更多 →
Know yourself


Apr 2023

Know yourself

To evaluate one's own suitability for either the IBDP or the GCE A-Levels, students must additionally evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. 阅读更多 →